Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan

Influence of the Presidential Address on the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan: Strategic Directions and Their Realization


On December 28, 2024, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan delivered a message outlining the key directions of the country's domestic and foreign policy. This message is important for various state structures, including law enforcement agencies, as it defines strategic priorities and challenges to be faced by law enforcement agencies. In this article, we will analyze the main points of the message and their possible impact on the activities of law enforcement agencies.

The President emphasized the need to raise the level of law and order and legality in the country. This includes the fight against corruption, crime and other offenses. For law enforcement agencies, this implies strengthening measures to prevent offenses, as well as improving the mechanism of investigation and detection of crimes.

The message mentions the need to reform and modernize law enforcement agencies. This implies the introduction of new technologies, improving the qualifications of employees, as well as optimizing internal processes. Law enforcement agencies should adapt to modern challenges using modern tools and methods, including digitalization.

The President also noted the importance of international cooperation, including in the fight against transnational crime, terrorism and extremism. This is an important task for law enforcement agencies, requiring the establishment and strengthening of ties with foreign colleagues, as well as participation in international forums and projects. An important aspect of the message was the focus on social policy and preventive activities. Law enforcement agencies should not only fight crime, but also take an active part in social work aimed at preventing offenses through education and work with youth.

Impact on law enforcement activities

1. Strengthening the fight against crime

The main thrust highlighted in the message implies the need to review crime control efforts. This will require law enforcement agencies to analyze crime trends in greater depth and develop targeted programs and strategies to reduce crime.

2. Adapting to modern technology

Adoption of modern technology will be a key aspect of law enforcement. This includes the use of video surveillance systems, data management, and artificial intelligence-based crime analysis and forecasting tools.

3. Developing international relations

In the light of international cooperation, law enforcement agencies will need to intensify relations with foreign organizations and services. The creation of joint tasks, exchange of information and experience can significantly reduce transnational crime and ensure security at the regional level.

4. Crime prevention through social initiatives

Emphasizing preventive measures requires law enforcement agencies to work not only in the operational sphere, but also in the social sphere. Participation in awareness-raising activities, youth outreach initiatives, and social rehabilitation programs will help to reduce offending and build public confidence in law enforcement.

The message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 28, 2024 defines new strategic directions for the domestic and foreign policy of the country, reflecting the current challenges and threats. For law enforcement agencies, this message is a signal for action, requiring effective measures to improve work, efficiency and responsibility. Applying the principles of modernization, international cooperation and crime prevention will help to create a safer society and strengthen the rule of law in the country. Law enforcement agencies must be prepared to adopt and implement these new approaches to meet the challenges of modern times.

Head of the Department of Management

Theory of law enforcement activity fact.1

Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

of the Republic of Tajikistan

Lieutenant Colonel of Militia                                                 Rustamzoda A.Q.

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Address by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon “On Major Dimensions of Tajikistan’s Domestic and Foreign Policy”
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