Head of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of the Faculty No. 2 of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Candidate of Law, Major of police Valizoda Navruz Dustmurod.
History of creation and development of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity
The history of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity of Internal Affairs Bodies in the structure of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan occupies a special place. The study of the subjects of this department contributes to the improvement of the factor of professional qualification of future employees of the internal affairs bodies. If you look into the history of the department, it becomes obvious that the cadets and students who studied the disciplines of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities acquired the necessary professional knowledge, which they subsequently applied in practice as police officers in order to strengthen law and order in society, as well as in the fight against crime.
Today, cadets and students of our Academy, as well as in the past, having fully studied the disciplines of the department, in historical reality, or rather in the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, contribute to the policy of strengthening the rule of law, ensuring human rights and freedoms and observing the rule of law in the entire sphere of life in our country.
It should be noted that the history of the Department is inseparable from the history of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. At the beginning of its activity, the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity was formed as a cycle of special disciplines in the structure of the secondary special Dushanbe’s police school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tajik SSR. For the first time, this cycle was headed by Alexey Akimovich Semenov (1970-1975), who subsequently worked as the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Tajik SSR from 07.08.1984 to 12/23/1987. In 1985, he was awarded the rank of Major General of the militia. Weaving a cycle of similar disciplines until 1998, the following faces were composed: Lobachev V.P. (1975-1977), Olimov G.M. (1977-1980), Nasirov (1980-1983), Hikmatov (1983-1985), Khudoyorbekov D. (1985-1986), Negmatov (1986-1987), Safronov (1987-1991),) Jonmahmadov H. (1991-1998), Karimov A.M. (1998-2001), Abdurazzaqov R.N. (2001-2003), Karimov A.M. (2004-2005), Gadoalieva N. (2005-2007), Karimov A.M. (2007-2009), Nasurov P.A. (2009-2015), Imomyorbekov A. (2015-2019), Nuraliev S.G. (2019-2022).
Currently, the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity is headed by the Candidate of Legal Sciences Major of militia Valizoda N.D. As noted above, this department, both during the periods of activity of the secondary special Dushanbe’s police School and the Higher School of Militia, and in the activities of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, occupies a key place among all existing departments. Currently, the department, as from the first days of its formation, is aimed at training the staff of the office of operational and external services of the Department of Internal Affairs.
Despite the fact that the department was renamed several times in the initial periods within the framework of the "Cycle" and after, however, the goals and objectives that it still faces are being fulfilled in a timely and high-quality manner. As the history of the department shows, teachers in the period of education to the present time systematically strive to improve the level and professional skills of thousands of cadets and trainees who implement in the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs. The most valuable historical good are individuals, their destinies, activities and their creative success, as they created unforgettable pages of history.
This category of personalities includes former teachers, specialists, scientists of the department, who, through their scientific and pedagogical activities, contributed to the history of the development of both the Department and the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan as a whole, thereby their works entered the golden fund of the department and are still used today.
Then he gives out that highly qualified specialists work earlier, as: S., Yashkina M. I., Satibaldieva T., Lobacheva V. P., Barsukova V.P. Seredi S.D., Petrova V.D., Borisova V.P. Brazhnikova A.A. Dzhonmamadova H. Semenova A.A. Gregoriantsa G.D. Bogoerbekova D.H., Saidova I.M. Abdurazakova R.N., Sotivoldieva R., Gazaryan L.S., Suleymanova A.L., Olimova G.M. Qayumova S., Yorova K., Karimova A.M. Garibova N.P. Oukidova K.A. Rasbudinova T. Bukharieva N.A., Khairulloeva F.S. Glukhova A.N., Karimov H.M., Imommerbekov A. and many others.
Today, the employees and teachers of the department are proud that the above-mentioned persons carried out their pedagogical and scientific and creative activities at the department before them, and they continue their work with dignity. To achieve this goal, they systematically improve their scientific knowledge and skills.
It should be noted that the teachers of the Academy in the specialty of the department at different times successfully defended their dissertation work in different universities, including: Karimov M.M.- Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in 2015 on the topic "Administrative and legal regulation of the responsibility of officials in the Republic of Tajikistan"; Deputy Head of the Faculty no.2, colonel police Nuraliev S.Sh. - Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2018 on the topic "Administrative and legal status of an employee of the Internal Affairs bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan (Comparative legal analysis)"; Head of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of the Faculty No. 2, Major of Militia Valiev N.D. - Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya in 2019 on the topic "Administrative and legal regulation of interaction of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan with public associations" and police captain Ismonzoda S.M. - Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya in 2020 on the topic "Administrative and legal regulation of control and supervisory activities in the field of road safety of the Republic of Tajikistan" and currently they carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in various spheres of life. In order to raise the professional and pedagogical level, the senior lecturer of the department, Major of police Sharifzoda P.R., and senior lieutenant in 2020 were sent to study at the adjunct Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Currently, major police Gafurzoda D.A., is an adjunct of the 4th year of the Adjunct Course of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. It should be noted that in recent years, teachers of the department have prepared and published a number of educational materials, in particular, an album-diagram on the subject "Fundamentals of management in the Department of Internal Affairs" (Karimov A.M. - 2010.), an album – diagram of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan – (Karimov A.M., Ismoilov U.N. - 2011), textbook "Fundamentals of work to strengthen official discipline and legality in the internal affairs bodies (in Tajik)", 2013. (Nasurov P. A., Nuraliev S. S., Khushvakhtov H. H., Gafurov D. A.), textbook on the subject "Administrative law". – 2014 (Sufiev S.N., Nasurov P.A.), a book on the subject "Administrative activities of the Department of Internal Affairs" (Nasurov P.A., Sufiev S.N. - 2015), "Collection of questions and answers on the subject of Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies" - 2015 (Sharifzoda P.R., Gafurov D.A.), Methodological recommendations "The action of the district police inspector at the scene of the incident" - 2016 (Sharifzoda P.R. Akramzoda Sh.M.); workshop "Administrative and legal activities of the Department of Internal Affairs" – 2016 (Gafurzoda D.A., Rustamzoda Z.R.); textbook "Administrative activity of the Department of Internal Affairs" - 2017, general part (Nasurov P.A., Nuraliev S.Sh., Nuriddinzoda S.N.); Collection "Founder of Peace and national accord - Leader of the nation, dear Emomali Rahmon, as imitation of civil servants" - 2017 (Imomerbekov A., Gafurzoda D.A.); Methodological recommendations "About the activities of the district police inspector" - 2017 (Sharifzoda P.R., Dovudzoda S., Rasulova M.I.); "Administrative law in tables and diagrams" – 2020 (Sharifzoda P.R., Valiev N.D., Gafurzoda D.A.), which are available for use by cadets, students and teachers. In addition, training programs on subjects of the administrative process, administrative process, administrative duty of the ATS, environmental and agro-industrial application, basic controls in the ATS, trend task, preliminary task in the family, specialized course of duty, depending on the administrative level and methodological application, the requisites for the prepared controlled and coursework were processed and prepared departments Nuraliev S.G. Haidarzoda M.P., Nuriddinzoda S.N., Gafurzoda D.A., Bilolzoda A.N., Urfonzoda D.S., Sharifzoda P.R., which are used in the right place as the final material in the processing process. At the same time, the teaching staff of the department contribute to the development of normative legal acts in the field of activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan, for example, in the development of the draft Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Militia" and a number of orders and recommendations regulating the activities of public order services.
Also, the teaching staff of the department take an active part in the development of the research direction of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. In this regard, for 2016-2020, the research topic "Development of police reform" was approved at the department and this topic puzzles the teaching staff for regular research activities.
The teaching staff of the department also regularly publish scientific articles in scientific journals, in particular in the Proceedings of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. Currently, the department has a scientific circle of cadets called "Defender of Order" consisting of 20 cadets, which is led by a senior lecturer of the department, Major of the militia Urfonzoda D.S.
On the part of the cadets who are members of this circle, essays and speeches are prepared on various topics. At the initiative of the circle and with the direct support of the Academy's leadership, scientific circles, seminars, round tables, conferences and quizzes are constantly held.
The process of holding a Round table of the research circle at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities.
The staff of the Department takes an active part in all public events held by the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. In addition, the staff of the Department in order to fulfill the assigned tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of public order protection during the visit of high-ranking guests to the Republic of Tajikistan show maximum efforts.
According to the order of the head of the Academy, teachers of the department Nuriddinzoda S.N., Gafurzoda D.A., Urfonzoda D.S., Zoirov S., using their professional skills, carry out educational activities as curators of study groups, than they contribute to the training of qualified personnel for the Department of Internal Affairs, loyalty to the Oath and their Homeland.
This activity is carried out in order to ensure the personnel policy of the Department of Internal Affairs and the further fulfillment of the duties of the Department of Internal Affairs officers for the protection of public order, ensuring public safety, combating offenses and crime. Currently, in accordance with the scientific program, there are 10 (ten) academic disciplines at the department.
Teachers of the department conduct classes at faculties No. 2, No. 3, No. 5 and No. 6 in the following disciplines: Administrative law, administrative process, administrative activities of the Department of Internal Affairs, environmental and agrarian law, fundamentals of management in the Department of Internal Affairs, customs law, prevention of domestic violence, a special course of administrative activities of the Department of Internal Affairs, police interaction with the public and administrative activities in the state fire service. In order to effectively study the above-mentioned disciplines by cadets and students, the department has an educational and methodological fund, which teachers use when preparing materials for classes.
The teaching staff of the department conducts all types of classes related to the department, as well as an operational and tactical exercise called "Search" with graduates of Faculty No. 2, at the same time supervising the internship of graduates of Faculty No. 2 in the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The staff of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity of the Faculty No. 2 under the leadership of the head of the Department, Ph.D., Valizoda N.D., as part of associate professors of the Department, Ph.D., Haidarzoda M.P., Nuriddinzoda S.N., Rustamzoda Z.R., senior teachers Gafurzoda D. A., Akramzoda Sh.M., Urfonzoda D.S., lecturer of the department Zoirov Sh., Mukhabatshozoda G.M., Rahimzoda A., head of the cabinet of the department Musozoda Sh., and specialist employee Nabizoda N.R. directing scientific, pedagogical and educational work on the training of highly qualified personnel for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the goal was set so that in the future such personnel could freely perform the responsible task of protecting public order, ensuring public safety in the fight against offenses and crimes.
The teaching staff of the department, directing effort and diligence to carry out educational, research, scientific and methodological and educational work, is responsible for training highly qualified personnel for the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. As noted above, the teachers of the department have prepared methodological recommendations, curricula, proposals that are used in the educational process at the Academy and other higher educational institutions of the republic. The Department on the scale of the Academy and other departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs constantly organizes conferences, round tables, office classes and meetings, and thus contributes to the improvement of professional skills and knowledge of cadets and trainees, as well as legal education of police officers.